State affiliates can take advantage of our shared multi-site platform that provides easy to use tools to manage your site and data using WordPress and CiviCRM applications. You are able to get a complete 360 view of your contacts because of its’ breadth; no more scattered spreadsheets, it’s all in one place.

The CRM is used for voter preferences, contribution / membership processing and management, event management, recording an assortment of activities, relationships and much more. Signup to increase the efficiency and productivity of your affiliate by properly managing data.

If you would like to support the CRM Project and invest in tools for your state, please go to the project landing page.


Most frequent questions and answers

National is responsible for updating the software in a consistent and responsive manner, importing of external data, creating and managing documentation, state administrator training, general improvements and facilitating affiliate consensus on new features and upgrades.

A comprehensive list is found here.

State affiliates are responsible for add-on costs regarding payment processor, email, and SMS services. The system allows for each state site to connect and establish their own accounts with the add-ons mentioned above.

In addition, affiliates are in charge of users management, content creation, adding and updating records in the CRM and training their county users.

A comprehensive list is found here.

Like our other IT Services, this is complimentary for affiliates.

National takes care of the hosting and software costs.

Affiliates are responsible for add-on costs regarding their payment processor, mass email, and SMS services. The system allows for each state site to connect and establish their own accounts with the add-ons mentioned above.

With that said, individuals in states that would like to invest in their IT are encouraged to direct funding here. This is a one-time expenditure that will pay dividends to not only your affiliate, but all affiliates in extending the system in the most desirable ways affiliates are requesting.

We have outlined here generally what user roles do what. States get the ‘State Admin’ role and on wards.

Here is an example from Iowa. You can see all the states on our system by searching at


Each state can be different but there are general processes we have to move your site and data over. Essentially, we will create a timeline and checklist to ensure we migrate your contributions, members, and all other supporter records. We need your IT Director to assist with data prep and making sure we are all on the same page before migrating data. We can sometimes receive a high volume of requests for on boarding states so we prioritize the states in an orderly fashion.

Here are the quarterly reports:

For a synopsis, states are effectively processing and tracking memberships, donations and event registrations. Their donor and supporter data (including registered Libertarians) is imported. We’ve appended valuable data to these records as well.

The data model has been built out extensively covering key aspects for volunteer activity, yard signs, candidate campaigns, media, local affiliates and relationships within the party.

At the current time, states are encouraged to use Mailchimp.

We have provided directories for candidate listings for states. Automation of routine tasks are being created by ways of scheduled reminders and message templates. A  simplified user guide continues to expand at


We are currently undertaking our next highest priority which is the User Dashboard portion to allow county affiliate access in an intelligent way. The contract was signed on August 21st 2018 and the estimated time to completion of the dashboard is 4 – 6 months to develop which puts us at at in the January – March 2019 time frame.

Once the dashboard is built, we will work with states to get armies of volunteers making calls to raise state / national membership and build local affiliates.

We have a few key items to tackle that require additional funding. These include resolving mass mailing permissioning, import process improvements, and a front-end WordPress plugin to display data.

All the while that is being done, we will continue to onboard states onto the system and ensure they are maximizing the use of the CRM.

Learn more and signup your state